TROJAN Warning! Game: WhoreMaster [Finished] - Version: 06.04.01

Not the Game links itself have malware but one of the links in the “Walkthrough and Guide” section.

Lurker’s packs for Crazy and PP’s mod: MEGA (password for all packs is: whoremaster)
“Trojan:Script/Wacatac.H!ml” inside of “yugioh.rar” MEGA download.

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Thank you for the warning but why did you not comment the game’s page directly instead of creating a whole forum topic just for this game’s warning? :thinking:
Did you imagine how messy would the forum become if everybody created a whole new topic for every game’s comment? :sweat:

You are assuming too much. I wrote a comment as you suggested too but I like to be redundant. Also I dont see a lot of traffic in this forum. Here take this flower :hibiscus: as an act of good will. :slight_smile:


Creating a separate forum topic for every game warning would quickly clutter the space and make it difficult for users to find relevant information.

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yeah i did it so can you give me some idea about your …

Who and what do you answer to? :thinking: