Sex, Please [Finished] - Version: Final (My experience)

I just finished the game and I have to say, it’s very disturbing. I thought I was “down bad” but this game goes beyond that definition. The genre provided in this website made me have low expectations, or made me unaware of the many kinds of dark, messed-up crap that we see throughout the game including gore and psychological horror.

Having a gallery to go back to interacting with past sex/toys and ladies would’ve been nice. Once you proceed more with the story, you won’t be able to comeback later one to watch those sex scenes again. For the ending of the game was a bit okay. I could tell at the end that it might’ve been law enforcement who came in to arrest the main protagonist, but in his eyes, they were short little monsters wearing enforcement attire.

This game makes me wonder if there has been anyone in real life who have experienced this sort of stuff in a way. Like having to receive therapy for sexual desires, trauma, and association with demons and hell.

I’m not quite sure how long exactly it took me to complete the game, I’d probably say 1hr30mins or more.

If you’re planning on just playing to see the sex scenes, I don’t think it was worth playing to just to watch the protagonist masturbate with the different things, especially when you get close to the end of the game. Summary: All in all, it’s a pretty bizarre, gory, dark, and a bit traumatic and makes me judge exactly what kind of person the game creator might be.

I just wanted to share how I felt about this pretty f-upped game, I personally wouldn’t recommend if you are not used to seeing uncomfortable stuff, like the scat and other weird type of sexual behaviors plus gore along with it. This game isn’t something you can really fap to so if that’s what you guys only reason for playing. I wouldn’t recommend this game to any normal person.