Please, I’m losing the hope.
How would you commit incest unless “We are horny, let’s fuck.”?
Incest (nowadays) is usually considered illegal, immoral, disgusting, strange, wrong, unconventional, satanist, perverse, inhuman, stupid, contrary to morality, and so on and so forth, consequently, IN MY OPINION, although porn is often very silly, naive, and aimed at getting the characters involved to fuck regardless without beating around the bush, perhaps even on an intrinsic level, in order to do something more exciting, original, and interesting, you have to use a pretext other than “We’re horny, let’s fuck.”.
I think it is very difficult, normally, for someone to screw their father, mother, brother, sister, etc…, consequently seeing them do it without too many difficulties can be fun or a pure and simple realization of a fantasy aimed at satisfy those who are interested, but in my case, after having had contact with hundreds of porn, I don’t even get upset anymore when I see the usual banal, obvious, and idiotic spiel, that’s all.
Try reading “Hearts” by Romulo Melkor Mancin, “Family Temptation” by Hyji, “Mother’s Helping Hand” by Dick_Spanker, or “Helping Hands” by Shyquirter, and tell me (at least if you’re a fan of incest or otherwise turn you on) if they have the same quality as the average incestuous porn.
Have you tried Sister Love by Perverteer? All of the girls need convincing, and each one requires a different approach. The way the mom gets brought in is…pretty unique. I’ve found that your storylines are all more or less locked in (or out) by Day 6, and the choices that make it happen can seem very innocuous! After that, there are secondary characters to pursue and the pregnancy or not options.
Heavy Five is a sci-fi themed game, and the incestual pairing happens because other characters maneuver you into it. Not how if/how it continues, it was a few updates ago, I’ve gotten behind.
Now that I’m thinking about it, there’s Guilty Pleasure, which the group they were in manipulates things so he gets paired off with sis in a spin the bottle campout; it was a prank move designed to blueball our boy while everyone else got lucky, but after everyone else fucked and fell asleep, she goes, “let’s do it too, but real quiet” followed by “that was great, lets keep going!” which then starts pulling the other sisters into it. Kind of what you were trying to avoid but about the mildest possible manifestation of that, so maybe tolerable, my playthrough is still in progress.
Boy Dominates Sexy Mother (love the acronym) is unfinished and will forever remain that way, but what there is of it is pretty intense, being pretty strictly a blackmail storyline.
I love redheads, and Junior72’s excellent (Honey Select) art, but there can be too much of a good thing. Every single girl in “Lost & Found” is a redhead, even the one that isn’t (green dye, she reverts back to natural almost immediately). And his story is everything OP is trying to avoid…not just “I’m horny lets fuck”, but immediate “me too!” , “me three!”, and a fourth “don’t leave me out!”
For non porn fiction that covers that ground, there’s Robert Heinlein’s “To Sail Beyond the Sunset”. There are serious discussions of pros & cons, “there are reasons its against the laws of God & man” (namely birth defects in resultant children).
Fun fact: hemophelia exists because of incestual children born of Russian royalty. It’s always the royals, with their emphasis (and exaltation) of “proper bloodline”.
Such lack of imagination from a Lewd Zone’s moderator doesn’t bode well.
You know what is the funniest fact about that?
It is that incest’s prohibition comes from the christian church, you know, this cult who worships Adam & Eve as the progenitors of humankind which implies that humankind is born from incest as humankind is actually one single family started by one single couple, then God eventually grew sick of humankind and wiped it out except one single family aboard an Ark which implies that humankind was restarted by one single family again, then the story continues with Abraham who married his own sister then traded her to an egyptian Pharaoh for some favors, the Holy Bible is basically an incestuous erotic story and yet its blind worshipers prohibit incest claiming that it is against God’s will even though God has restarted humankind twice from one single incestuous family, how is this for hypocrisy?
And even without involving religion and from thinking rationally, the more different families merge their DNA together into their children and the more mixed DNA gets until there is unavoidably a point when there is only one single family’s DNA left when all families have merged their DNA together, incest is mathematically unavoidable.
We only have to observe nature to notice that humankind is the only specie who has an issue with incest while every other natural specie have no issue mating in family which irrefutably proves that incest is natural.
I wholeheartedly agree with your need for sexuality to be justified in order to turn you on because meaningless sex is pointless.
Keep in mind that the world is made of diverse cultures and that not all cultures are as hypocritical as the ones based on absurd monotheism therefore there actually are some honest cultures which treat sexuality and incest as natural and normal without making it a taboo.
Actually, monotheist cultures have some issues not only with incest but also with sexuality in general as they have no idea how to deal with their natural needs because of their absurd social rules dictated by some hypocritical leaders who forbid others to do what they do themselves.
The issue which you point out in porn also doesn’t concern only incest but sex in general as most porn are pointless fuck feasts without much build up and emotional involvement, which is why it is so hard to find porn which actually turns me on.
I deleted many games as soon as I started them because they dive right into the porn before I even get a chance to learn to know the characters and emotionally bond with them.
Thank you for your recommendations which I know none of them (yet) and can’t find any of them here.
Now is my turn, these are the best incest games not based on “We are horny, let’s fuck.” which I found so far:
You got the title wrong as it is not “Sister Love” but “Sisterly Lust” and this is important because the protagonist is not exactly a romantic brother who loves his sisters but a pervert brother who lusts after his sisters and is obsessed with fucking them, hence the title which contains no “love” but “lust”.
Moreover, as you pointed out yourself, the system is absurd as if you don’t make every right choice then you permanently lock out an entire route without any possibility to get back to it, this is one of the worst AVN’s systems which I ever experienced.
Perverteer’s next AVN Tales From The Unending Void was a huge improvement after Sisterly Lust at first but no more since he has caught the Patreon’s disease which turns all of its developers into lazy and greedy scammers who put the bare minimum effort into their creation to milk their undemanding patrons for the longest.
TFTUV’s first season was amazing!
Then Perverteer started the second season and each new chapter was shorter and thinner than the first season’s chapters while taking the same amount of time to be released until he announced that the story would take 3 seasons which I can only see as a scam because if the second season’s chapters were as big as the first season’s chapters then he could have easily complete the story in two seasons only which lead me to think that he purposefully slowed down development and emptied the second season to make development last longer and milk his patrons longer instead of keeping a consistent pace and completing the story in two seasons.
This is a standard way of milking patrons, almost every Patreon’s developer adopts this lazy and greedy way to scam people.
Wait, what? There is incest in Heavy Five? Wait, I have to check when it was last updated because it has been abandoned for years after it barely started and it did not include incest yet…
Ah, I just checked it and it is still abandoned and not likely to be continued any time soon and I have no memory of it progressing enough to do anything with our sister yet so I have no idea what you talk about.
I remember that I really enjoyed this story but it really annoyed me that the author interrupts the story and breaks immersion between each chapter, I will never forget how much this pissed me off every time!
Guilty Pleasure looks promising but I am fed up of starting unfinished stories and have to wait for them to be continued or abandoned thus I now avoid unfinished works and focus on completed games only.
The pictures reminded me of another AVN which I played and abandoned because it lacked build up and quickly turned into a meaningless meet and fuck which is Freeloading Family.
I can’t believe that you think Honey Select is excellent art because Honey Select is basically the cheapest graphic engine used in porn games and can only generate asian looking characters no matter the characters’ actual ethnics which utterly ruins their credibility!
Since man invented God then God’s laws are actually man’s laws.
There is no law dictated by any deity as every religious law has been invented by the humans who invented religions.
Moreover, I invite you to read the other comment which I posted right here on this page for a more developed explanation of how I think of incest.
And how do you know your fun fact is an actual fact and not some made-up anti-russian propaganda?
First, every royal family has been incestuous at some point and not only specifically the russian, which really sounds like some anti-russian made-up propaganda instead of an actually verified fact.
Secondly, I just interrogated Ecosia AI about this topic and here is a transcription of it:
Me: Hello Ecosia AI, please explain to me what is hemophelia?
Ecosia AI: Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that affects the blood’s ability to clot properly. This condition is typically caused by a deficiency in specific clotting factors, which are proteins in the blood that help control bleeding. The most common types of hemophilia are Hemophilia A, which is due to a deficiency of factor VIII, and Hemophilia B, which is due to a deficiency of factor IX.
People with hemophilia may experience prolonged bleeding after injuries, surgeries, or dental work, and they may also have spontaneous bleeding episodes, particularly into joints and muscles. Treatment often involves replacement therapy, where the missing clotting factor is infused into the bloodstream.
It’s important for individuals with hemophilia to work closely with healthcare providers to manage their condition effectively. If you have further questions or need more detailed information, feel free to ask!
Me: What causes hemophelia?
Ecosia AI: Hemophilia is primarily caused by genetic mutations that affect the production of clotting factors in the blood. These mutations are usually inherited, meaning they are passed down from parents to children. The most common causes of hemophilia include:
- Genetic Mutations: Hemophilia A is typically caused by mutations in the F8 gene, which is responsible for producing factor VIII. Hemophilia B is caused by mutations in the F9 gene, which produces factor IX.
- Inheritance Patterns: Hemophilia is usually inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern. This means that the genes responsible for hemophilia are located on the X chromosome. Males, who have one X and one Y chromosome, are more likely to be affected by the disorder, while females, who have two X chromosomes, can be carriers and may have mild symptoms.
- Spontaneous Mutations: In some cases, hemophilia can occur without a family history of the disorder due to spontaneous mutations in the genes responsible for clotting factors.
If you have more questions about hemophilia or related topics, feel free to ask!
End of transcription.
So according to Ecosia AI which is basically the compiled knowledge of the World Wide Web, hemophilia (and I just noticed that I repeated your bad orthography of it) is caused by genetic mutation.
Do you understand how this contradicts your claim?
Because if incest was the cause, then the cause would be a LACK of mutation as the genes would always remain the same since they never change their source.
Genes mutate because they are merged with other genes, which actually implies that children made of the same genes as in born from incest are actually LESS exposed to the risk of getting genetic mutations causing hemophilia and take that, you ignorant fool, all that it took to crush your claim was a mere quick search and some logical reasoning which you did not do because you rely on hearsay instead of actually checking your facts like the arrogant fool that you are!
RE: SL name, okay you got me there, I was trying to remember the name based only on the initials used for the executable (SL.EXE), without having to interrupt my typing to fire up the game and double check on the title screen. So sue me.
Why are you ranting about Patreon devs scamming their s̷i̷m̷p̷s̷ patrons, when you are getting the game for free, as we all are, c/o LZ?!
RE: Heavy Five. Yes, there was at the very least the beginning of a setup for incest in Heavy Five, via a bet with the hard core fighter woman (I don’t think I’ve played that game since the original post, no doubt because of abandonment and lack of updates, so I’m not remembering names. Try not to go ballistic over that as well, please) that could not be forfeited for honor’s sake, and “winning” it was clearly going to end up ‘forcing’ our hero to bone his sister. But since the game has been abandoned – something I could not have predicted back when I first wrote the original post – it’s probably a moot point. So why even bring it up?
RE: Honey Select. I’m not an artist. I can only base my opinions on what I see. Honey Select is a tool that artists use. Some are better at using it than others, maybe I’ve just seen uncommonly good artists? I disagree with your assessment that HS is “only good for creating Asian characters”, based on what artist/devs like Runey and Junior72 have been able to do with it (hint: lots of mods). Yes it’s anime foundation means it tends to make similar looking characters who are distinguished from each other only by hair color, hair style, and eye color, but that’s fine. Anime-inspired artists know how to work with that. DAZ is IMO no better because every damn pr0n game in existence uses the same damn default characters! But because its more Western-oriented, the artists DON’T know the tricks for making characters distinct without also making them really weird!
The point of my phrase RE “Incest is against the laws of God and Man” (here, have one “.” because you missed it before) is that incest is against BOTH, so it doesn’t fscking matter if you’re talking Man’s laws, God’s Laws, or Man-invented-God-so-those-laws-are-Man’s-also. I don’t care about your religion or lack thereof, why are you forcing it into this conversation? My original statement encompassed all of those possibilities, and I can only think you brought it up because your boiler pressure was already elevated, and you were looking for more things to fault me with.
My “fun fact” was anecdotal, courtesy of a longtime real-life friend of mine who is a hemophiliac (so I know what it fscking is without the medical dictionary definition, thank-you-very-much) and a history buff with Russian ancestry.
For exactly the same reason that hearing something on the internet does not automatically make it true, finding a “fact” opposing some other statement on the internet doesn’t mean the internet is correct there, either! NOTHING in what you cited contradicts me; hemophilia is a trait that can be and is passed down genetically (which was why I mentioned it) and can also, less commonly arise spontaneously. NOTHING in what you cited advances or disputes any claims as to where and when those mutations first arose, which is the focal point of my anecdote. In order to be passed along, however, an affected person must LIVE long enough to have children. This requires modern or relatively modern medicine; otherwise, its an early death sentence for a child.
Are you really fact-checking shit in a discussion forum about sex games? You need to get out more.
RE: “mutations vs. incest”, it is YOU who are failing to understand. What IS a mutation? It is genetic information that is not passed as an exact copy, but rather changes somehow during the replication process. Some mutations occur naturally (with a big asterisk). But other mutations are the result of genetic damage, which can be inflicted by outside sources and/or human activities. Exposure to radiation (which can occur “naturally”, the beforementioned asterisk, e.g. excessive suntanning, or artificially, by sticking your head into an active cyclotron or being in the vicinity of a nuclear explosion). Another thing that does genetic damage, in humans more than other species, is incestuous breeding. This is known and well documented. So much for your contentions.
RE: Bad orthography. Ahhh, fancy way of saying “Yu maed speeling errers, ur poynt iz invaled” (sic) …you really went there, too?
Go find some other games (or persons) to go and release your incel rage on.
Read the label, I’m NOT a moderator. I’m a Founder, which is something different. I was merely among the first few thousand to sign up for this forum after the previous one perished. I’d ask what you’re going on about, but I saw your novella below and already answered. You are really reaching, if you think that ANYTHING I said above was somehow beyond the pale on a forum devoted to SEX GAMES. Read the room, fool.
Maxime and I may disagree about a whole bunch of other things, but I can concur that Long Story Short is pretty good, I set it aside and forgot it during its hiatus (I’m starting over in it with its ren’py remaster).
The new one I want to add is Stormside
Admittedly, it borders on “I’m horny let’s fuck”, but the girls aren’t just going for it, they’re having to be maneuvered into it. What makes the maneuvering possible (and helping our horndog hero) is the fact that three of the four family members/LI’s are essentially sex workers (e-girl/camwhore, aspiring model for the in-universe equivalent of Suicide Girls, and stripper) and one of the non-family LI’s is a co-worker of the stripper/aunt. That makes everything ok, right? I’m not too far into this but it seems promising.
I like how you react defensively to everything then pretend I take things too much at heart.
You could have simply read the folder’s name to get the name right.
Because I suffer the same loss of quality as the simps who pay for it.
“So why even bring it up?” you ask but you should be the one answering your own question since you are the one who brought it up in the first place and I merely answered you.
Your reasoning is contradictory because you first claim that Honey Select can only generate anime characters who don’t look japanese and whose only distinguishable features are hair and eyes’ styles and colors then you claim that occidental artists use DAZ 3D to generate such original characters that they look weird while you claim they are all the same, I don’t even need to argue with you since you can’t even agree with yourself, you have been more arguing with yourself than with me so far.
Sigh, your way of using every meaningless detail to argue only demonstrates that you lack actual points of argument and that you argue for the sake of it more than out of genuine disagreement and makes this argument of yours to be pointless and boring.
Moreover, you keep misquoting me as you keep quoting me while not exactly quoting what I actually said but what you understood in your delusional interpretation of everything, which really makes me want to state that such an irrational behavior is to be expected from some believer.
My statement is that there is no difference between God’s laws and men’s laws since there has never been any God to begin with as God is a fictional character imagined by men thousands of years ago and there is no difference between adults who believe in God and children who believe in Santa Claus because both believe out of naivety and ignorance, especially since science has already disproven so much of the Holy Bible and I don’t have to respect your religion because it is absurd and you only need to actually use your brain to figure it out on your own and if you don’t want me to mock your absurd beliefs then don’t bring them into the discussion to justify your petty opinions as in “I am right because God said so” and use actual logic to answer instead if you don’t like me humiliating your lack of actual points to make.
You even have the nerve to push the hypocrisy (once more typical behavior of brainwashed believers) to blame me for “forcing my religion or lack of into the discussion” even after YOU are the one who forced YOUR religion into the discussion to begin with so don’t hand me over a stick if you don’t want me to beat you with it, simple as that.
Another behavior typical of religious people is self-victimization as you pathetically attempt to pretend that I harass you just because I argue with you and you are a “poor unfortunate innocent victim of persecution by an evil frustrated boiling person who doesn’t know God’s love”, don’t you? But you know, your God really must enjoy watching his worshipers suffering since they are such victims of a world who despises them and he has been watching all of this without ever intervening to help his sheep against the wolves, what a sadistic God you worship, don’t you?
Anyway, your pathetic attempt at self-victimization will not work with me since, as all religious people, you started the war that you pretend you are a victim of and I will not forget this fact so you might as well change your strategy if you want to stand a chance to survive the war that you started yourself and let me offer you a hint: humility, introspection and wisdom go a long way.
Just like your religion, if you don’t like me using anything you use such as your anecdotes, then don’t bring them into the discussion to begin with because you can’t fault me for using what you bring up yourself.
So you know one friend who is hemophiliac and who has russian ancestry and this is all it takes for you to conclude that hemophilia comes from Russia, your reasoning is such a lame joke that it is not even funny.
You know what, I am already bored of this pointless arguing with a schizophrenic person living deep in his delusions, I could keep going and proving every each of your lame points wrong as I have been doing however I have already reached the conclusion that I am actually wasting my energy and time because you are deaf and I have been futility trying to talk to a wall and since I came to realize this situation then it has become pointless to keep it going so you can stay deep in your delusional fictional world and I will not try to reach out to you anymore and ignore you from now because everyone living in our sick world has their own mental issues and I am not an exception so I have my own mental issues to manage to not burden myself with yours, find a mental doctor as I did because I can’t help you, farewell.
Ah, right, I just want to answer to this specific outburst of yours before I leave you alone for good.
You react to a reply to someone else than you and then you suggest ME to read more carefully and call ME a fool.
So YOU read more carefully and pay attention to WHO I actually replied to and called a moderator before you make a fool of yourself and throw one of your usual petulant tantrum to yell “I am not a moderator, I am a founder, read the label you fool!”, you really need some professional help to solve your mental issues as everyone does, good luck.
Apropos of nothing else, you wouldn’t happen to be from Quebec, would you? I knew a guy also named Maxime from there, and I recall he could be quite contentious also.
I’m not averse to athiests, and I’m not particularly religious, how in the fsck did anything I said qualify as “shoving my religion down your throat”? I’m sure you get it a lot from the numerous relig-o-manicas out there, but I’m not one of them! I referred to “God’s Laws” only because that was a convenient shorthand regarding the incest taboo. And I said, “God and man” because Christian, non-Christian and non-religious communities alike ALL come up with some form of incest taboos because, in practical terms, close and/or repeated generational incest often results in deformed/weak/sickly babies – AS HAS HAPPENED AND BEEN DOCUMENTED in several royal houses, (in the name of ‘keeping bloodlines pure’) even if the specific case of hemophilia arising out of the Russian rolyal line turns out to be not 100% correct. THAT’S ALL I SAID, and you went off on these epic verbose fscking rants on irrelevant tangents, and THEN have the nerve to say I’m the fool and YOU’RE the victim? I’m glad I don’t have any more time to waste on you.