Identify source material - Powered by the community

Wondering where that one random photo came from? Post an image, link, gif, meme etc., and someone else might know the source of it.

Alright, I am going to share a few tools to make it easier for you. Is it a photo you have? First of all, do a reverse image search. You might find the source right away. If you are using pc, visit Google Image, click on the camera and upload your image and see what happens. If nothing fruitful happens, post in this forum.

If you are using a mobile, simply click on the menu of chrome and enable desktop mode and visit Google Images.

What if it is not an image? What if you are trying to find out that one game that you played a few years ago and can’t remember much?
Well, write a post about it, then. describe as much as you can. Mention every detail you can remember, and hopefully, someone will figure it out.

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